Astrological Counseling
Embrace your
whole self through the lens of the cosmos
"Its a question of removing the clouds. Rather than recreating the sun."
-Chogyam Trungpa
Astrology is the oldest form of psychotherapy utilizing archetypes. In Jungian psychology, archetypes are highly developed elements of the collective unconscious. Astrology speaks from archetypes and symbols within the human psyche. Our internal life reflects the external and our external reflects the internal. Another way of saying this is, as above so below. Through this direct, experiential language of archetypes and symbols, Astrology provides a map to cultivate a deeper sense of awareness, compassion, and understanding towards yourself and others.
Why would I get an astrology reading?
Your natal chart is a snap shot of the heavens when you were born. There is not a duplicated chart in 25,000 years. That being said, your chart is very individualized to you. It demonstrates your full potentials in this life. Your chart speaks in the language of symbols and demonstrates your gifts, talents, challenges, and the timing of when major shifts will be taking place. Astrology gives you clarity and understanding of your current weather. It is very helpful to know what season you may be in internally and externally. Astrology gives you the tools to be more awake and conscious of your life's map. Knowing these things about yourself and your significant relationships is profoundly helpful to successfully navigating life's mysterious unfolding.

astrology is your map to understand your inner landscape
What would the purpose be to have my chart read?
Astrology inspires you to live with a deeper sense of
purpose and awareness. It supports the ongoing
navigation processes of your life. With an increased level of consciousness you have access to more resources and choices. You can learn to be awake to the rhythms of your life and see with a deeper understanding and clarity.
Maybe you have resisted your gifts of intuition, and empathy. Having your chart read can validate what you know deep down that you have been denying. This piece of information can provide a deeper awareness and connection to yourself. This could transform your life to a stronger sense of purpose.
Self-awareness creates space for compassionate power that enhances transformational growth. Knowing yourself cultivates self-love and empowers you to fulfill your dharma or life purpose. Astrology supports aligning with the cosmic flow. It helps you to swim with the currents of life instead of against it. This sense of clarity and understanding of yourself, others and the cosmos brings forth healing and transformation.
Are you ready to become more conscious?

Scheduling a Reading
Natal chart readings are 2 hours. Transit readings are available to those who have already had their natal chart read. These are 90 minutes. The preparation time for a reading is included in the fee.
Astrological readings are 150 per hour. The cost for a reading is due at the time the reading is scheduled.
Contact Nicole to schedule a reading or free 15 minute consultation at 206-430-9407 or maitrihealingarts@gmail.com.
I look forward to supporting your journey to consciousness.
Take beautiful care of yourself.
In Maitri,
Nicole Reavy, MA LPCC
"My favorite part of getting a reading and learning from Nicole is that she integrates the ethereal world of astrology with our real day-to-day experiences. She has helped me to experience astrology and witness it in my daily life. This has lead me to a profound understanding of myself and faith in the universe." ~rs
"Nicole offers so much insight to your natal chart and transits.
Her manner is conversational, informative and very friendly. She has a way of breaking down complex information into easy understanding notes. She has gone above and beyond each time we've met. She inspires me to grow and learn more. I found Nicole by happen stance. The universe certainly wanted us to cross paths. I'm so thankful for that. Thanks for everything, Nicole!